You Need To Know


  • Do not quit your job, change jobs, become self-employed, go from salary to commission based or the reverse!!! Wait until you have the keys to your new home in your hand. Often times the lender verifies employment at the very last minute before closing the purchase.

  • Do not move money from account to account. Movement of money to and from accounts can create issues for your financing of a loan if it is not easily traced nor explained.

  • Be completely honest with your lender. Surprises found in your financial history are never the good kind and often can cost the transaction. It's best to know up front all the issues so they can be resolved up front.

  • Do not pay off and close all your credit cards. Doing so can have a very large impact on your credit score and not necessarily the good kind.

  • Have your pre-approval letter ready prior to looking for homes. It can be very exciting to look for a home but it can be very discouraging to learn that you can't afford it.

  • Don’t buy a truck, boat, airplane - or any other vehicle!

  • Don’t apply for new credit.

  • Don’t change bank accounts, make large deposits, move large amounts of money or co-sign a loan for anyone. Talk to your lender first!

  • Do not quit your job, change jobs, or become self-employed!!!

  • There are many options out there for financing. You might be pleasantly surprised to realize that there is a loan program that may work for you.

  • Consider all your financing options, such as using a co-signer. It might be an option worth considering.

  • is a great educational website to learn more about home buying opportunities, financing, tools, and options.

  • Don't quit your job!!!

Informational Websites